Trocar, Cannula, and Obturator: The Sections of a Trocar

Graham Lescallette | 06 May, 2022

            doctor talking about the difference between a trocar and cannula

A trocar is an extraordinarily useful surgical instrument. Surgeons have been using trocars for generations to minimize the trauma of surgical procedures and reduce the need for anesthesia, and to help patients recover faster.

What Is a Trocar and Cannula Used For?

In the treatment of endocrine issues in people, trocar and cannula make the administration of hormone therapy simple and predictable.

Women who may benefit from estrogen or testosterone replacement therapy can be treated with pills, vaginal inserts, topical creams, lozenges, and hormone patches. Pellets, however, slowly release estrogen or testosterone directly into bloodstream circulation for up to six months.

The slow-release nature of the pellets means that bloodstream levels of the injected hormone are constant throughout the day, as they do with oral or injectable hormones. As a result, women are less likely to experience side effects.

Men who benefit from testosterone therapy are typically injected with 10 or 12 pellets of hormone about once every four months. The pellets produce a baseline for testosterone that can be adjusted with occasional use of patches or injections under medical supervision.

Trocars are also used to place long-acting hormones needed for gender transition. And they are even used in hormone treatment for pets. Older dogs and cats that suffer from muscle atrophy, intervertebral disc disease, degenerative arthritis, hip dysplasia, and many other conditions often benefit from insertion of hormone therapy by trocar and cannula.

The Difference Between Trocar and Cannula

The term trocar came from the French fromtrois or three andcarre sides, or faces. Trocars used to have three blades around a cannula, from the same Latin word meaning little hollow reed. The surgeon used the trocar to make an incision through the skin and into subcutaneous tissues through which the surgeon could insert the cannula for the removal of fluids. A third part known as the obturator kept the cannula rigid enough that it could be placed precisely. The entire assembly is referred to as a trocar.

Twenty-first century trocars may have blades, or they may be bladeless. They may dilate, making a wider incision once they pass through the skin, so the skin is pushed apart, not sliced through. They may be designed to allow the surgeon to pass the camera and the surgical instruments through a tiny opening.

Modern trocars are designed to be used with the smallest possible incision. This keeps the cannula from moving around during the procedure, and it minimizes trauma to the skin. When the diameter of the cannula is less than 5 millimeters, there is no need to stitch the fascia holding tissues beneath the skin together once the tractor is removed. This means that the already-miniscule risk of hernia becomes even lower, the patient gets out of the treatment room faster, and there is usually no need for general anesthesia. An injection of a local anesthetic is enough.

Trocar Supplies specializes in trocar products for the placement of hormone pellets in people. We emphasize products that minimize trauma to the skin, reduce the risk of infection, and leave patients feeling more comfortable after their procedures.

We can sell your doctor stainless steeldisposable trocars just 3.5 mm wide, for shallow or deep insertion. Your doctor may choose a reusable 3.5 mm stainless steel bevel tip, which is autoclaved for sterilization between uses. Trocar Supplies can also sell your doctor disposable medical tray kits and trocar wrap kits.

Shop Our Trocars & Trocar Kits Today! 


Frequently Asked Questions About Trocar and Cannula Systems

Will I have to get stitches when I get hormone pellets?

No, if your doctor uses a 3.5 mm trocar, like the ones offered by Trocar supplies, the wound will seal itself. You may be asked to avoid strenuous activities (especially any exercise that puts pressure on your gluteus) for 48 hours to make sure the incision heals. You can remove the surgical gauze and take a shower the day after the procedure, but the surgical tape needs to stay in place for five days. You should avoid exposure to possibly contaminated water, like swimming pools, hot tubs, and lakes, for a week.

Do the trocar and cannula my doctor uses for placing hormone pellets have a camera inside?

No, hormone pellets are placed close enough to the surface of the skin that a camera is not necessary.

Is a reusable trocar and cannula really safe?

Autoclaving exposes microscopic organisms to high heat and kills them. It also alters the metallic surface of the trocar so that even molecule-sized contaminants cannot cling to it. Trocar Supplies uses stainless steel to manufacture its trocar and cannula kits so they are unaffected by rust.

Where are Trocar Supplies trocar and cannula kits manufactured?

Trocar and cannula kits from Trocar Supplies are made in the USA, and registered for use in the US, Canada, Argentina, and Brazil.

Who is Trocar Supplies?

Trocar Supplies is a family-owned company operating its headquarters in Ohio. We have implemented the latest research and feedback from the doctors we serve to offer the optimal way to administer hormone replacement for fifteen years.Our reusable trocars have CE approval. Our kits are made at an ISO 13485 facility in the USA and follow strict FDA and GMP guidelines.

We take pride in following all FDA regulations and international standards for Good Manufacturing Practices to offer affordable, reliable products for hormone therapy in the US and in three other countries. Please take a look at our product catalog or contact us for more information on all of our available trocar kits.